Monday, 8 February 2016

RGV shocks Censor Board

Crazy director Ram Gopal Varma is known for his eccentric ways. After tasting success with Killing Veerappan he started making even more shocking announcements.

RGV now decided to shock  even  the censor board by dedicating a short erotic film titled Single X and shared his feelings with the following tweets.

"I am going to dedicate my #RGVtalkies release debut film "Single X" to the Censor Board" 

He went on to add "#RGVtalkies will never release Romantic comedies and Sex comedies because I take both Love and Sex very seriously "

"#RGVtalkies will release erotic,crime,horror etc short anything which dark,gritty and shocking"

First look of my debut short film "Single X" soon to be released in #RGVtalkies

RGVtalkies will not restrict to only films made by me but it will release films made by anyone suiting my taste

My interest in digital space is,I don't need to restrict content for censor purposes nd feature length requirements

I am soon launching an online theatre called RGVtalkies which will 1st release my debut short film called "Single X

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