Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Peigal Jakkirathai Review

A mix between the ill fated 'Massu Engira Masilamani' and Raghava Lawrence's blockbuster franchise 'Muni aka Kanchana' director Kanmani's 'Peigal Jaakirathai' gives a different spin to the tried and tested horror comedy which has a truly touching climax if you can sit through till then.
The story begins with a  money lender Annachi (Thambi Ramaiah), who always has a dozen henchmen with him and while many fear him, he has his own fears of his dead lover Rose Mary haunting him.  Someone comes up with the idea of hiring a man without fear of anything as body guard and their search leads to Saravanan (Jeeva Rathnam)  an orphan who constantly attempts suicide unsuccessfully.  Saravanan convinces Annachi that ghosts don't exist and this leads him overcome his fears to such an extent that  a now brave Annachi becomes an exorcist.  Meanwhile Saravanan falls in love with the Eshanya daughter of Manobala who rejects him, causing him to once more attempt suicide by falling into the water from a bridge.  Saravanan on the verge of drowning is saved by unknown people and the ghosts of an Old Man, a middle aged man and woman and teenage girl follow him to the house and terrorize him by asking him to do silly things like eating loads of cake, going around the giant wheel for the whole day, stealing a ring from a DIG and a car owned by a drunkard.  What is the agenda of the ghosts forms a riveting and touching climax.
Thambi Ramaiah has got a meaty role as Annachi and he manages to deliver a few laughs here and there with his antics.  Jeeva Rathnam is passable as the hero Saravanan, while the heroine Eshanya does not have much to do.  For a  film that has Manobala, Black Pandi, Mottai Rajendran and John Vijay  in the cast 'Peigal Jaakirathai' is quite disappointing in the comedy area as the spontaneity is missing as a whole.
Director Kanmani can be appreciated for the last fifteen minutes or so when the reason for the ghosts haunting the hero is revealed.  There is also a touching scene between John Vijay who plays a suspecting husband  and his wife, but it is simply out of place in this film.  Music by Maria Jerald and lyrics by Madhan Karky and Vivekha support the proceedings and especially the climax song draws attention.  Cinematography by Mallikarjun is adequate.
Verdict : On the whole the core idea is good, but is let down by a mediocre screenplay and lead pair who lack charisma.
Rating : 2.5/ 5

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